
CX_SPAN_DATE - Date period


Class hierarchy

This class consists of a date(CX_DATE) and a duration in a time unit (Duration, CX_VALUE).
It can be interpreted in different ways: The date represents the start and the date extended by the duration (start+duration) represents the end. If it is interpreted as an operation, it starts on the date and its effort is stored in the duration. This effort can be 0 or even negative.

For these two meanings there are flags in the value validEnum which cover certain special cases: On the one hand it can be determined that the interval is unlimited (infinite) or semi-unlimited (no start or end). On the other hand, the duration can extend only over certain days like working days(net) instead of all days (gross).
These modes are mutually exclusive: If the date period is (semi-)unlimited, the duration has no meaning. (Theoretical duration: infinite.) If the duration is net, the date period must be limited.

The duration does not have to be given in days. It can also be given in weeks, months, years and so on.
If the date falls at the beginning of such a period, it is called a diffuse date period. In this case the date period stands for a certain number of periods in the coarser unit.
Again, there is a limitation compared to the modes: Diffuse date periods are always restricted and gross.
For certain arithmetic operations, such as setting the start date, it may be necessary to calculate the duration back to individual days.

The date is initialised with the current date, as is any date. The duration is set to 1 day by default. The default mode is gross and restricted(FROM_TO).
In a sense, any simple date can also be understood as a date period: Many functions that were actually designed for a date period can also be applied to a date. If a duration of one day is assumed.

While a date can be incomplete, a date period must have at least one year. It is therefore not possible to define periods such as "April - May" or "1 - 15".

Code example:

1 "On 10.1.1996"

2) "From 10.1.1996 to 12.1.1996

3rd "The second quarter of 1994".

4 "From the 14th to the 17th calendar week 1996 inclusive".

5) "From 20.5.1996"

Display on screen:

The following options exist for displaying objects of this class:

1. use of a surface object of type String.

In this case, the object is specified in a single input field. In addition to entries of the type "Start date - End date", entries such as "2nd quarter 1996" are also possible. Also entries like "4KW96-7KW96" (= "from the beginning of the 4th calendar week to the end of the 7th calendar week 1996") are supported. The following table shows all possible representations. Please note that the year can be entered in two digits, in which case the currently set base century is added. The unit of measurement, e.g. "Mt" for month, depends on the system units set. For example, in German you can also write "Monat" instead of "Mt". Spaces and full stops are optional, so that "2nd quarter 1996" can also be written as "2Quarter1996" or "2Q96".

Input Date
Start - End From the start date to the end date
n Kw Year The n. calendar week in the year Year
n Mt year The n. month in the year Year
n Q Year The n. quarter in the year year
n T Year The n. Tertial in the year Year
Year The year Year
n Jz m The n. decade in the m. century
n century The n. Century
n yt The n. Millennium

Note: When entering a date period, the start and end dates are separated by one of the following characters: '-', '-' or '/'.

The following figures show examples (programme code):

2. the use of two interface objects of type Date

The start date is entered in one field and the end date in the other (programme code). Please note that only defined start and end dates can be managed without additional surface objects, i.e. specifications such as "from 3.10.1990" are not possible.

3. the use of the interface objects Date and String

The first surface object indicates the start date and the second the duration (programme code). Please note that without additional surface objects only defined start and end dates can be managed, i.e. specifications such as "from 3.10.1990" are not possible.

In connection with these display options and certain InstantView instructions, the flags belonging to the object play an important role, as they can be used to modify the display of the object.

Operator Description
+, -, Arithmetic
>, <, = Compare

List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
Detailed information:
ValueOfDate INTEGER internal date value
Duration OBJECT Period duration
Daily information:
DayOfDate INTEGER Day of the date
WeekOfDate INTEGER Calendar week of the date
MonthOfDate INTEGER Month of the date
QuarterOfDate INTEGER Quarter of the date
TertianOfDate INTEGER Tertial of the date
YearOfDate INTEGER Year of date
DecadeOfDate INTEGER Decade of the date
CenturyOfDate INTEGER Century of the date
MillenniumOfDate INTEGER Millennium of the date
Weekly data:
DayOfWeek INTEGER Weekday of the date
DayInWeek INTEGER Weekday position regarding the start of the working week
YearOfWeek INTEGER Year of calendar week
Monthly data:
DaysInMonth INTEGER Number of days per month
Annual data:
DayOfYear INTEGER Day position in the year
WeekdayNameOfDay STRING Name of the weekday
ShortWeekdayNameOfDay STRING abbreviated weekday name
Name Of Month STRING Name of the month
ShortNameOfMonth STRING abbreviated name of the month
NameOfDay STRING (Holiday) name of the day
SpecialNameOfDay INTEGER STRING specific (holiday) name of the day
MLWeekdayNameOfDay MLSTRING multilingual weekday name
MLShortWeekdayNameOfDay MLSTRING multilingual abbreviated weekday name
MLNameOfMonth MLSTRING multilingual name of the month
MLShortNameOfMonth MLSTRING multilingual abbreviated name of the month
MLNameOfDay MLSTRING multilingual (holiday) name of the day
MLSpecialNameOfDay INTEGER MLSTRING specific multilingual (holiday) name of the day
ImportDateNumber STRING, INTEGER Import of the date number as string
ExportDateNumber INTEGER, INTEGER STRING Export of the date number as string
ImportObject OBJECT Set (start) date
SetDate STRING, INTEGER Import base date from the passed string
STRING, INTEGER Import date period from the passed string.
Day type specifications:
IsDateType INTEGERINTEGER Is the date a "special day off"?
IsTerm INTEGER Is the date an appointment?
IsAnniversary INTEGER Is the date an anniversary?
IsHoliday INTEGER Is the date a public holiday?
IsVacation INTEGER Is the date a holiday?
IsWorkingday INTEGER Is the date a working day?
TypeOfDate INTEGER Type of date
LeapYear INTEGER Is the date a leap year?
IsDiffuse INTEGER Is the duration not given in days?
Date comparisons:
Encompassed OBJECT INTEGER "Contained in" test (conjunction)
Overlap OBJECT INTEGER Overlap test (disjunction)
AgeInYMD OBJECT VECTOR<object></ob Exact difference to another date
AgeInFullYears OBJECT OBJECT Rounded annual difference to another date
AgeInCommencedYears OBJECT OBJECT Annual difference rounded up to another date
Relative data:
First INTEGER OBJECT first day of the week in the month
Second INTEGER OBJECT second weekday of the month
Third INTEGER OBJECT third weekday of the month
Fourth INTEGER OBJECT fourth day of the week in the month
Load INTEGER OBJECT last day of the week in the month
Previous INTEGER OBJECT Search for a previous specific weekday
Next INTEGER OBJECT Search for a next specific day of the week
NextDate OBJECT OBJECT the following day within the date period
NextTerm OBJECT OBJECT the following day within the date period (as DateTime)
Easter OBJECT Easter Sunday calculation
Create its object:
Day INTEGER, INTEGER OBJECT Create a date in the current year
Date INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER OBJECT Generate an exact date of the day
SpanDate OBJECT, OBJECT OBJECT Generating an exact date period
Week OBJECT Creating a calendar week
Month Create a month
Quarter Create a quarter
Tertian Creating a tertial
Year Creating a year
Decade Creating a decade
Century Creating a century
Millennium Creating a millennium
Detailed information:
SetDay INTEGER Setting a new day
SetMonth INTEGER Setting a new month
SetYear INTEGER Setting a new year
SetZero Set to "unlimited
StartOfPeriod OBJECT Start of period
EndOfPeriod OBJECT End of period
StartOfPeriodMA * Start of period
EndOfPeriodMA * End of period
RealStartOfPeriod OBJECT The earlier of the border periods
RealEndOfPeriod OBJECT The later of the border periods
FirstPeriod OBJECT First partial period
LastPeriod OBJECT Last partial period
SetStartOfPeriod OBJECT Setting a start date with changing the period duration
SetEndOfPeriod OBJECT Setting the end date with changing the period duration
MoveStartOfPeriod (MovePeriodToStartDate) OBJECT Setting the start date without changing the period duration
MoveEndOfPeriod (MovePeriodToEndDate) OBJECT Setting the end date without changing the period duration
SetRealStartOfPeriod OBJECT Setting the earlier date with changing the period duration
SetRealEndOfPeriod OBJECT Setting the later date with changing the period duration
MoveRealStartOfPeriod OBJECT Setting the earlier date without changing the period duration
MoveRealEndOfPeriod OBJECT Setting the later date without changing the period duration
SetPeriodBorders OBJECT, OBJECT Setting the start and end date
AddDay INTEGER Daily Addition
AddNetDay INTEGER, INTEGER Adds so many days that the date is moved by the specified number of days in the given day category
AddWeek INTEGER Weekly addition
AddMonth INTEGER Monthly addition
AddYear INTEGER Annual addition
Set operations:
JoinPeriods OBJECT OBJECT Create a union (conjunction) from two date periods
OverlappingPeriod OBJECT Generate the intersection (disjunction) from two date periods
Duration OBJECT Period duration (depending on day category)
SetDuration OBJECT Set the period duration (becomes gross)
NetDuration INTEGER OBJECT Net period duration (for each day category)
SetNetDuration OBJECT, INTEGER Setting the period duration for day category
GrossDuration OBJECT Gross period duration (independent of day category)
SetGrossDuration OBJECT Setting the period duration without day category
RealDuration OBJECT Period duration (positive even if StartOfPeriod later than EndOfPeriod)
SetRealDuration OBJECT Setting the period duration while retaining the sign
DurationMA * Period duration
GrossDurationMA * Gross period duration (independent of day category)
RealDurationMA * Period duration (positive even if StartOfPeriod later than EndPeriod)
IsNet INTEGERINTEGER Is the daily category (net type) set?
GetNet INTEGER Day categories (bit field)
SetNet INTEGER set the day category
string INTEGER CX_STRING Returns the string representation of the object

* MA = Member Access Function

Data directory (DDI)
Data field Type Reference class I* Brief description
duration CX_VALUE The period length. Can be any unit traceable to day, it does not have to be positive. Which days it includes depends on the net type. (see also function Duration)
validEnum INTEGER Bit 0-1:
The type of time period:
"0" = a time period with start and end (FROM_TO)
"1" = start, but there is no end (FROM)
"2" = end, but there is no start (TO)
"3" = infinite period without start and end (ENDLESS)
Bit 2-7:
Daily categories to which the duration refers. Set bit means: the respective category is removed from the duration.
If none of these bits is set (default) this means that the duration is gross, i.e. it includes all days between start and end.
All bits set does not occur, as this would mean that no day is counted with the duration.
The bits (categories) in detail (see also date type constants):
2: [Is]Term, aber nicht Kat. 6 3: [Is]Anniversary, aber nicht Kat. 2,6 4: [Is]Holiday, aber nicht Kat. 2-3,6 5: [Is]Vacation, aber nicht Kat. 2-4,6 6: [Is]Workingday 7: [Is]Rest: jeder Tag der nicht zu Kat. 2-6 gehört (evtl. leer)

* I = Indexable data field

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description